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Scheduling Time When Working From Home


English: In the weeks prior to an important mi...

In the weeks prior to an important milestone, consultants give up on automated scheduling and resort to the old fashion way of scheduling and planning to meet their deadline. Such impromtu gatherings promote creativity and the exchange of information that work towards an on-time result. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Scheduling Time When Working From Home

Plan Your Work; Then Work Your Plan Time Management when working from home, or anywhere, is vital to a company’s productivity.  In order to get the most out of your time, you have to plan your work and then work your plan. Most people do this before leaving the office for the day, or they might do it first thing in the morning, if they get there early enough. That said, if you have a tough time getting up and moving in the morning, than this strategy won’t work for you. It would be better for you to do your scheduling the night before.

The Short of It: Plan your work; then work your plan.

Prioritize Prioritize your work. Making a list of all the things that you need to accomplish and that are time sensitive is in order. Prioritizing your work also means staying organized and being persistent at even the most difficult of tasks.  Placing those tasks that you least enjoy first and the tasks that are most enjoyable last, will help make the day go smoothly and allow you to accomplish the goals that you set. Again, plan your work, and then work your plan.

The Short of It:  Itemize by listing the items you need to accomplish today, sequence them in terms of the highest impact and strictest deadlines, and finally list the tasks that are most enjoyable to you last.

Track It Most companies track how their employees spend their time, so that productivity is maximized. Tracking time should be treated very seriously as time is money. Set up a time recording system starting and ending at the same time each day where you can record how and what you’re spending your time on. This can impact both short and long term goals and successes. Implement a system that tracks your time on an hourly basis. Then break the hour down into fifteen or thirty minute intervals so that you can record what tasks you performed in that same amount of time. Record your activities for at least a week. This will help you improve your work productivity, where your downtime is being spent, and compiling information of time on task for future use. Include a fifteen minute break twice a day and at least a twenty minute lunch period. Leaving the work area and reenergizing has been known to increase people’s productivity by at least ten percent.

The Short of It:  List all your tasks to be accomplished for the day; block your tasks according to fifteen or thirty minute intervals. Include two break activities, and a lunch period.

Hanging Out by the Water Cooler Many times, while working in an office building, you have the office person or people who want to hang out by the water cooler and swap stories. If you work from home, that talker could be your significant other, your children, or that over friendly neighbor. You must set some guidelines within the home. Establishing a working schedule and rules that revolve around your work schedule will give everyone an understanding of how important your time is when it comes to work. It is also important to have your own space when working from home. Whether it be in a corner or an actual room that is strictly your office; when you’re there, family members will know that you and your space is off limits.  Respecting your work time and your business should be as important to others as it is to you.

The Short of It: Set a schedule and rules that apply to when you are working. Create your own work space and claim it as “hands off” when working. Respect yourself and your business and others will follow your lead.

Send it Out Hiring an outside company to do your work can be intimidating. Giving up control is difficult to do, but there may be no other way if you are to get the job done by the deadline and continue to increase your profits. Hire an outside source to do those tasks that you dislike doing. When we don’t like to do something, we have a tendency to avoid doing it. Hiring someone else to do these tasks works well; the job gets done and it gets done on time, leaving you less stressed. Although the cost of outside hiring could be problematic, the cost of not having the job done and done on time could be even more troublesome.

The Short of It: Hire an outside source to do the tasks that you least like to do. This gets the job done and gets it done on time, thereby causing you reduced stressed.